I hear people saying "Germany is achieving with economy what they couldn't do with the army: conquer Europe". They could be right. But that's only one face of the token. The fact that Mrs. Merkel is strongly confirmed by German people in her firm and rigid position to the European pacts (Maastricht, waivering of the 3% of deficit vs. internal gross production etc...) is true. The fact that Germany is NOT treating people in difficulty (Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain, to complete the acronym) the same way it was treated when they were in trouble (10 years ago), that is TRUE. Ok, if you want to ask for sympathy and help, for sure Germany is not the first nation to look for. But let's look at the other part of the reality. If I give some money to help someone, is he going to buy food for his children, or cigarettes and whiskey to get drunk in a corner of the street?
German people may not be the nicest people in the world, but if they are asked to help some nations, whom are they going to help? For doing what? Last time Greece received help from EU, it used those money to assume public employees...that's not correct... Germany has used Italy's, France's and othe EU nations' tolerance to REFORM the State. And they did it.
Now for Italy it is the same: it's been years that we've been told "you need to strongly reform your system". Like I said in a previous post, bureaucracy and justice are the two main issues. But they've never been touched -and I anticipate that Mr Letta's government won't touch those items, I bet on it!-.
In conclusion, in order to demand any kind of support, FIRST we need to be reliable and trustable, and THEN we can unveil the game Germany is playing. If it's a bad game, like most of us suspect, or if Germany wants to lead a "fair game" with the others, against US, China and East Asia. But until other people act with the classical Neapolitan "chiagne e fotte" ("tear & steal"), well, I cannot blame Germany's "no way".
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